From the beginning of the capitalist period, after the revolution of 1989, Dacia was one of the most impressive country brands in Romania and the most valuable. For the first time, he lost this title, unfortunately for the builder from Mioveni.
eMag is a Romanian brand that was created in 2001 by three Romanian entrepreneurs. At the moment, it is owned by the South African group Naspers and can boast of the performance of having become the most valuable in Romania, to the detriment of Dacia. He managed to make history after being valued at no less than one billion euros.
eMag has overtaken Dacia
Brand Finance is the largest independent global brand assessment and strategy firm in the world. From this position, he estimated that the value of the eMag brand exceeded one billion euros, while Dacia went below this threshold for the first time, since such reports are made. Also as a technical detail, this is the first time that a capitalist brand has surpassed Dacia in value.
Compared to last year, Dacia lost its leading position due to a 28% decline, up to 945 million euros. This is the conclusion of the Brand Finance report. These reports have started to address the Romanian market since 2017 and it is the first time that the value of the domestic car manufacturer has fallen below one billion euros. As a reference, at the time of the first top, we were talking about 1.3 billion euros. By 2020, in the pre-pandemic period, the assessment would be around the 1.5 billion euro threshold.
Meanwhile, eMag, one of the giants that had the most profit from the pandemic period, became the most valuable Romanian brand, after exceeding for the first time the figure of one billion euros. That’s exactly $ 1.027 billion, up 29 percent year-over-year.
“Until very recently, the Dacia brand seemed to subscribe to the first place in the ranking. The firm rise of the eMAG brand also marks a symbolic change of relay, from an old brand to a brand invented less than 30 years ago. On this note, it would be a positive sign for Romania if more and more brands from the “new economy” would rise in the top 50 “, says Mihai Bogdan, Managing Director, Brand Finance Romania.
“This recognition is a confirmation of the transformative role that online commerce has in people’s lives and motivates us to continue our accelerated investments in infrastructure and technology to support the evolution of Romanians’ lifestyle and the transformation of eMAG into a regional ecommerce ecosystem.” said Tudor Manea, CEO of eMAG.
The ranking is continued by Dedeman, with an increase of 24%, Petrom (+ 14%), Banca Transilvania (+ 6%), Digi (+ 10%), Electrica SA (+ 24%), BRD (-7%), BCR (+ 11%) and Catena (+ 13%).