You receive money from RCA, if you sell your car: what you need to know, how to proceed

When it comes to compulsory car insurance, it comes with a number of features less known to drivers. For example, under certain conditions, you may receive a refund from the RCA insurer.

Car owners who decide to sell their car have the right to recover part of the amount paid for compulsory car insurance. This is calculated in relation to the time remaining until the expiration of the RCA. The same happens, for example, in the case of rovinieta. If you are in this situation, the first step you need to take is to contact the insurer. But there are some peculiarities that you should keep in mind.

What does the law say about recovering money from RCA

The partial recovery of the money paid on the MTPL insurance is made based on law 132/2017. The document states that in the case of the sale of the car, “when the insured has paid in full or in installments the insurance premium, he is entitled to recover it in proportion to the unexpired period of the MTPL contract.”

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In practice, the law states that partial recovery of the money is possible in the event that the MTPL contract ends, and this can happen in one of two situations, when the ownership of the vehicle is transferred or when it is canceled. In both cases, you must present the supporting documents to the insurer.

With regard to the refusal to settle the amount, it may occur in a single situation, if no compensation has been paid or is not due for events occurring during the period of validity of the insurance. In other words, you only see money back if you were not involved in a car accident because of you.

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In order to recover your money from the insurer, when you sell or deregister your car, you need the following documents:

  • a completed application (many insurers have their own model);
  • RCA policy for which a refund is requested;
  • document proving payment of the policy (receipt, payment order, etc.);
  • copy of identity card;
  • the document proving the sale or deregistration of the vehicle;
  • account statement (for IBAN code).

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