Looking rather inspired by the first-generation Apple Watch, Google’s new Pixel Watch has won praise for its accomplished exterior design, but disappoints a little with the compromises accepted on the inside.
Disassembled down to the last component, the Pixel Watch shows a puzzle-like design, where related pieces have been crammed wherever space could be found, resorting at times to “improvisations” such as shaping the dial for direct attachment and resorting to strong adhesives to permanently fix components that wouldn’t otherwise fit.
For example, although prone to wear, the right-hand display wheel is a non-removable component, permanently attached to the metal dial.
Not exactly easy, disassembly starts with the removal of the cover from the back, which is only mechanically fixed, without resorting to adhesives, Further on, we find an accumulator that takes up most of the space that could reasonably be reserved for this purpose.
Among the few positive things that could be said about adhesive-based assembly is that Google’s engineers have selected a “more special” formula, the adhesive used leaving no residue that is difficult to remove Thus, repairs are somewhat affordable, as long as you have access to the necessary spare parts.
Certainly, the Pixel Watch is not an innovative product all the way, the design retaining enough similarities to competing products, including those supplied by Apple.