Apple’s much-rumored augmented reality device, Reality One, could enter production in just a few months. The DigiTimes publication cites industry sources who cite March 2023 as the month Apple will begin assembling the first dedicated units for the masses. But that date would seem to suggest a launch sometime in the summer, which is usually marked by the annual WWDC conference, when Apple unveils the latest versions of its operating systems.
Apple could launch its VR device next summer
According to the article, the Apple Reality One, or Apple XR (mixed reality) device, could be produced in the first year in a limited run of 700 or 800 thousand units. Early reports of such a device suggested more like 2.5 million for the first generation, but problems still in the supply chain and high production costs could be the reason for the drop in orders.
Previously, rumors talked about a more unusual announcement for Apple in January, with a launch around WWDC. Given that there is now this information that Apple will be producing the Reality One device in Pegatron’s factories starting in the spring, everything could be set.
Now that we’ve seen that VR devices won’t drop in price, but rather rise, as Meta announced the Quest Pro at $1,500 and Sony announced the PlayStation VR 2 at $600 (both up from $400 for previous generations), Apple could launch an even competitive device if its performance is in tune with the rumors.
Apple is reportedly planning to use the M2 chip in its first-generation AR/VR device, which could offer better performance than the Meta solution and more freedom than Sony’s solution, as it will integrate all internal hardware without the need for a wired connection to a head unit.