This is how the ‘super rats’ that save lives are trained

They intervene in rescue tasks, detect the presence of diseases or infectious agents. Are not Superheros. They’re not even human. Are rats That Save Lives, and their training depends on the NGO APOPO.

The latest project of the non-governmental organization is that the rodents collaborate in rescue tasks and, for example, can find people trapped by rubble after an earthquake. The advantages of using these small animals are obvious: “Rats can get into Small spaces to reach victims,” ​​explains Dr. Donna Kean. Her heightened sense of smellits intelligence and his training easy are other points in favor of rats, ‘Hero Rats’, as the NGO calls them.

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At the moment, they have not gone beyond training, for which the technicians use simulators. The project envisions rats equipping themselves with backpacks equipped with cameras, microphones and pagers to contact the victims of the accident.

adopt a rat

The training lasts for ten weeksas explained by APOPO, which has facilities in Tanzania to develop it. The technique for rats to learn to fulfill their task is to subject them to the method of stimulus-reward.

The NGO offers through its website adopt rats or donate funds to continue research.

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