The absolute master of horror, Stephen King, is not “good” for a moment, as far as can be seen. His fans have every reason to rejoice because, in the autumn of this year, the great writer will launch a new thematic novel on the profile market.
Stephen King has announced that he will launch in September 2022 the new book that promises, in turn, to “break” all the charts, when it comes to lovers of thriller and horror.
In “Fairy Tale”, Stephen King tells the story of a 17-year-old boy and his “adoptive” dog
From what we know so far, Stephen King’s new book will focus on the story of Charlie Reade, a 17-year-old boy, and a dog he ends up adopting after the death of his original owner.
As usual, King will not compromise when it comes to the fantasy components of his new work. An “enchanted” portal and the constant battle between good and evil, in which Charlie, together with his new canine friend, must participate, in the context of maintaining a natural balance in the world.
Despite the fact that the writer’s vision is not so good, he does not seem to be showing signs of wanting to stop writing too soon. Which, of course, made his fans happy.
At least lately, Stephen King has managed to release one novel a year, many of which have been transposed into television shows or even feature films.
According to Amazon, the new novel “Fairy Tale” will be released on September 6, 2022.
It will be 608 pages long, the longest-running novel in Sleeping Beauties (author: Stephen King Owen King, son of the famous writer).
Moreover, at this moment, it can be pre-ordered online from Amazon.