More than 5 million citizens have been informed about separate collection of packaging waste through the One Two Three campaign

Running from May to October 2022, One Two Three is a campaign of the OIREP Packaging Association, implemented through: Clean Recycle, Ecologic 3R Ambalaje, Eco-Rom Ambalaje, Eco Synergy, Financiar Recycling, GreenPoint Management and Green Resources Management – in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests.

The campaign was carried out nationwide and aimed to inform and educate the population to implement separate collection of packaging waste at source. Between May and October 2022, the campaign messages reached over 5 million citizens, these generating 80 million viewsof which over 5 million were of video material created.

“Because of the very good results, One Two Three is an example of good practice for any national or local campaign that aims to inform and educate Romanians correctly about the separate collection of packaging waste in the household, regardless of the environment in which it takes place, whether implemented by OIREPs, local authorities or producers/companies. The simple act of disposing of packaging waste where and how it should be disposed of brings multiple benefits: protecting the environment and the resources we all need, bringing packaging that has become waste back into the economic cycle as raw material for recycling plants, and reducing the costs of managing the entire sanitation system.” – said Geanin Șerban, President of the OIREP Packaging Association.

Divided into three phases, the campaign ran in online, outdoor and print media and generated over 200,000 hits of the campaign’s landing page addressing the problems, solutions and myths of separate collection of packaging waste.

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One Two Three is based on a simple idea: Undo. Use. Throw where and how. To collect separately is SIMPLE | COMMON SENSE | NORMAL | CIVILIZED.

Separate collection seems, for many Romanians, a very complicated ritual, involving many steps and special infrastructure. When, in fact, separate collection means a minimum of care about the packaging we use. Changing behaviour takes time, but above all education. Repeated steps until they are done mechanically or by reflex.

More details about the campaign can be found at: and on the campaign channels Facebook | Instagram | Youtube.

One Two Three is a campaign initiated by the OIREP Packaging Association, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, created and implemented by the communication agency PB&J.

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