Foxes, badgers, rabbits, oh my! James Milward in Surrey, England was so tired of seeing these critters in his yard at night and ruining it that he decided to take matters into his own hands.
Specifically, he trained his Ring cameras to detect a fox or badger with pretty good accuracy. Once they found their target, a high-frequency sound was emitted that would send the visitors on their way.
Milward named his device the Furbinator 3000, and it proved to be an effective way to keep his yard clean. “At first he recognized the tie as an umbrella, he said. “I did some fine tuning and it came out like a sink, or a bear if I was lucky. Pretty much a spectacular failure.”
These ultrasonic deterrents are not exactly harmless, however, and the RSPCA has objected to them, stating that “sound levels produced by such ultrasonic devices are likely to be aversive to some animals, potentially causing discomfort, fear and/or pain and predicting an individual’s response is difficult.”
Milward acknowledges this, but wanted a more humane method to keep his garden and children safe.
Thanks, BBC.