Ethereum developers prepare to roll out Shanghai public Testnet, focus on pledged Ether withdrawals

Ethereum’s lead developers have emphasized that pledged withdrawals are a priority, and code related to EVM, or EOF, object format changes has been removed from Shanghai to ensure that the focus remains on pledged withdrawals.

Priority on picketed retirements: Shanghai Public Testnet deployment scheduled for February, Hard Fork tentatively scheduled for March.

In the first week of December 2022, the 151st Ethereum Developer Meeting was held, which ended on January 5, 2023. The meeting focused primarily on the withdrawal of the Shanghai EOF implementation, and the developers decided not to consider EOF-related Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) until the Shanghai hard fork was completed.

Christine Kim, research associate at Galaxy Digital, and Tim Beiko, developer of the Ethereum core summarized the site CDA meeting. “On the Shanghai front, a first devnet was set up with all customer combinations just before Christmas“, said Beiko said after the meeting. “Although they all work, some pairs have more problems than others“.

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Galaxy’s research associate explained that Devops programmer Barnabus Busa brought the team up to speed on various tests “He said the current developer test network for Shanghai, which was launched just before Christmas, has already progressed to block 4,000“, Kim said. “All EL and CL client combinations are currently working on this test network. A few client combinations, such as Teku-Erigon and Lighthouse-Erigon, are experiencing problems.

The withdrawal of staked ether has been a major concern in the community, and many want to know when it will happen. Ethereum developers have suggested that a new test network will be rolled out next month, with the Shanghai hard fork tentatively scheduled for March.

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At the time of writing, there are 15.96 million ether locked into the Beacon deposit contract. In addition, the network is only days away from reaching 500,000 validators. The Shanghai fork will be the next major upgrade for the Ethereum development team since The Merge.

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