Rumors of a foldable Pixel phone in the works have been circulating almost since Samsung launched the Galaxy Fold, being debunked at every opportunity. But this time it looks like Google won’t miss another opportunity to deliver a Galaxy Z Fold 4 alternative that replicates the Pixel experience in a foldable version.
For now, Google’s first foldable phone doesn’t even have a name, with the device expected as early as last year being cancelled and then reimagined from scratch, with the finished product due out next year at the earliest.
According to estimates by Ross Young, a reputable analyst in the field of predicting unreleased Google products, the Pixel Fold will see an official launch sometime in March 2023, providing real competition for the first time for rival Samsung.
According to rumors so far, Google’s first foldable will be called the Pixel Fold, with the chosen name taking a direct swipe at rival Samsung.
Outlined with a preliminary list of specs, the Pixel Fold comes with a 7.6-inch OLED main display capable of running at 120Hz refresh rate.
According to speculation so far, the desired price is close to $1399 for the base trim, with the Pixel Fold entering as a Galaxy Fold alternative of comparable level, but offering a Pixel phone-style experience.