The ‘conseller’ de Salut, Josep Maria Argimon, explained that the new protocol for the care of women requesting a voluntary interruption of pregnancy (ive). in Catalonia extends pharmacological abortion up to 14 weeks, which until now could be practiced up to nine weeks.
He said this during the inauguration of the first working day on voluntary interruption of pregnancy. in Catalonia aimed at health professionals on the occasion of the International Day for the Decriminalization of Abortion, which was held at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona.
The ‘consellera’ of Equality and Feminism, Tània Verge, has argued that abortion is a health issue but also an issue of “autonomy and of women’s fundamental rights.” and has argued that the new protocol is a recognition of an historical feminist claim, has said.
Argimon has specified that the ive by the pharmacological method s.e will be offered in hospitals and stressed that the new protocol also includes analgesic guideline recommendations, new procedure recommendations to make it minimally invasive and reduce risks, as well as guidelines to treat comorbidities, among others.
The holder of Salut has recognized that they have to. increase the accessibility of this right although it has claimed that they have expanded the network for the practice of surgical abortions in Lleida, Berga, Manresa (Barcelona) and Tortosa (Tarragona) and that of pharmacological abortions in Tremp, Vielha (Lleida) and Puigcerdà (Girona).
Argimon has assured that, compared to the rest of Spain, the accessibility of abortion in Catalonia is “much higher.” through the public and private resources of the Catalan health system and has said textually that Spain is a desert in terms of the provision of this right if only public resources are analyzed.
Advantages of pharmacological ive
The pharmacological ive “mimics the natural process of abortion”; is less invasive; can be performed at home accompanied by family members; bleeding and expulsion can be scheduled and predicted; and it avoids the surgical procedure, general anesthesia and has less risk of complications.
It is an intervention “especially beneficial” for those women with obesity, uterine malformations, cervical surgery. previous cervical surgery or who want to avoid surgery, explained the clinical coordinator of the sexual and reproductive health care unit of Mollet (Barcelona) and member of the Board of Directors of the Societat Catalana de Ginecologia i Obstetrícia (Catalan Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics), Anna Torrent.
Likewise, Torrent has warned that the pharmagological ive requires more time to complete the treatment; it may involve abdominal pain and bleeding; side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and fever, among others; and 5% of women require a second intervention.
He clarified that the new protocol offers the possibility for the woman to choose the pharmacologic ive option. until the 14th week of gestation: “The decision is always made by the woman, adequately informed and accompanied by the healthcare professional,” she claimed.