The detail in the trunk that brings you a fine of 3,000 lei. All Romanian drivers need to know what they should never miss

If you feel that you are getting rid of fines just by following the rules of the road and having exemplary driving behavior, you are wrong. In reality, the police can leave you without 3,000 lei in your wallet, if you are not careful about certain details.

A hefty fine of 3,000 lei cannot be ignored, given that it is almost the equivalent of the average salary in the economy, at the level of the entire country.


What you need to pay attention to

Also, the detail that can bring you a fine is all the more important as, in a delicate situation, it can save your life or that of other passengers or participants in traffic.

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Any responsible driver, in accordance with the provisions in force, must have a first aid kit, a reflective triangle and also a fire extinguisher.

At the same time, don’t forget the news that appeared in Romania for Romanian drivers. These are the prices of RCA policies.

It seems that the Bucharest Executive is planning a decision to cap RCA insurance prices. This would put an end to the wave of price increases that Romanians endure, for all goods and services of strict necessity, in the context of an annual inflation rate that has exceeded the threshold of 8 percentage points.

“The bankruptcy of a giant insurance company (City Insurance) has created a pseudo-justification for elucidating hard-earned financial gains by citizens who have to take out compulsory civil insurance and in this erratic social and economic context, the legislator must present a way to protection of these categories of citizens.

Insurance companies in the profile market have raised the ceilings (tariffs) unjustifiably for a long time, creating socio-economic inaccuracies in the profile market, often leading to the impossibility of concluding new compulsory insurance contracts.

Also, the initiator wants through this legislative proposal, in order to discourage MTPL insurers from increasing the rates charged to policyholders and also to achieve a stable and fair system for policyholders, by sanctioning the fine for acts of MTPL insurers, from 50,000 lei to 500,000 she. (..)

According to the proposed normative act, MTPL insurers will be obliged not to exceed the ASF reference tariffs. (..) The normative act will allow the establishment by the Financial Supervisory Authority of a reference MTPL tariff applied to both natural and legal persons. ”, It is shown in the substantiation note of the draft law.

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