The ‘conseller’ de Salut, Manel Balcells, has announced this Thursday that his department will elaborate next year a new protocol of attention to sexual violence that will put women “at the center”. It has done so since the Hospital Clínicwhere the balance sheet of sexual assaults attended by this center in the last year. The figures are alarming: from January 1 to October 30 they have increased by 51% in Barcelona compared to the same period of the previous year.
“Macho violence is a lacrSexual violence is a scourge of this macho violence,” said Balcells, who stressed that the Clinic is a “pioneer” in addressing this problem. “The impact that sexual violence has on health is great. Depressions, post-traumatic stress, consumption of toxic substances…”.
He has also stressed that the “vast majority” of offenders are men. (100% of the assaults collected by the Clínic in its last report were perpetrated by men). “And in many cases this aggressor is known”.
Thus, the ‘conseller’ has announced that Salut will elaborate next year a new protocol on sexual violence “putting the woman at the center”. It will serve, she said, to “avoid revictimization of the person with individualized accompaniment” and will also address “obstetric violence”.