No Rest for the Wicked Early Access brings you the roadmap – That’s Gaming

Following the announcement of the April 18 launch of No Rest for the Wicked for PC via Steam Early Access, Moon Studios has released a roadmap for the upcoming action RPG. The first update, which will come at a yet unspecified date, will add multiplayer.

The second update is called The Breach, with further updates teased for after that. According to the Steam page, multiplayer will support up to four players for co-op and even include PvP. Expanded story content and chapters, more map regions, enemies, bosses, weapons, armor, equipment and rare items are also coming.

Read:  First Blood now available via Steam Early Access - That's Gaming

There will also be farming, although it will probably come much later, judging from the roadmap image, and additional floors for the Crypt, Bounties and Challenges. All of these features will go live for 1.0 and the exit from early access, so stay tuned for more information in the coming months.

No Rest for the Wicked is also in development for Xbox Series X/S and PS5.

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