The new flagship, Galaxy S22 Ultra, has already started to be delivered to customers, even if the official launch date of the device was set for February 25. At the same time, the phone has started to be tested, and DxOMark, the most popular online publication that tests cameras, photo lenses and smartphones, has already published its verdict for the new Samsung phone. Unfortunately, the results are not exactly positive.
Galaxy S22 Ultra does not enter the top 10 in the DxOMark ranking
DxOMark tested the Exynos version of the Galaxy S22 Ultra, the same version that arrives in stores in Romania. The phone received an aggregate score of 131 points, which puts it in the ranking of smartphones in 13th place, on the same level as last year’s Oppo Find X3 Pro and significantly lower than models such as Huawei P50 Pro, Pixel 6 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max.
The final score was aggregated from a score of 134 for the photo component, 86 for the zoom and ultrawide cameras and 114 for the video capture, thus managing to surpass the iPhone only in the zoom chapter. In fact, the Huawei P50 Pro received higher scores in all categories (149 photos, 107 zooms and 116 videos).
Among the advantages of Galaxy S22 Ultra, DxOMark mentions very well calibrated colors and white balance, good exposure and high dynamic range, very convincing blur effect in portrait photos fast focus in filming and even quality shooting in low light with effective stabilization.
Unfortunately, there are also issues such as slow focus in photo mode, image noise in many situations, image artifacts such as ghosting, and inconsistencies in filming when the camera is moving in low light.
While the 131-point score puts the Galaxy S22 Ultra out of the top 10 on DxOMark, it remains one of the best smartphones in the world, and subsequent updates could correct some of the issues raised by these tests. . And last year’s Galaxy S21 Ultra was launched with minor problems in this regard, which were partially solved in time.
source: DxOMark