Summer begins, and as has become traditional, in Esports Professional they do not stop. Once again, want you to enjoy a well-deserved rest.but without losing touch with the business side of esports.
This year have prepared something special. In the previous two years, the summer conference was held, where attendees were fortunate to have special sessions with great professionals in the sector. But for the 2023 Summer Conference will radically change the proposal.
This year they want something more dynamic, that does not take time, that does not force you to be x day at x time attentive for the session of the day. So this summer they are going to propose fresher formats: the Esports Professional summer podcast and 100% practical workshops.
How’s it going to go? Simple. As of this July 11and until the end of August, every Tuesday and Thursday you will have a podcast of about 10-12 minutes.. This podcast will briefly discuss the situation of the sector, its current affairs and will relate it to some of the Esports Professional training courses so that you can see why it is important to be trained. In fact, they already have even the themes of the 15 episodes that will compose these summer days, but they are not going to be revealed yet, they will be unveiled at the end of each episode. For the first one, we give you a preview of the theme: the importance of publishers and the case of Valve.
The podcasts will be available on Youtube, on iVoox, and of course, on the Esports Professional website.
But this is not all… Yes, there will be workshops… How could there not be workshops! But they are not going to put them in July and August. It’s not even convenient with the heat, nor being on vacation, so when we come back, on Septemberwith less heat and back from vacations (most of us), we will enjoy 4 totally practical workshops. Namely:
- Workshop 1: Creating esports competitions with online platforms.
- Workshop 2: How to play esports blockchain games: Cybertitans
- Workshop 3: The use of AI in esports.
- Workshop 4: Measuring esports audiences.
Dates for the workshops will be announced shortly and will be fully open, as always.
As they promised us, they don’t stop. They want you to have a fun summer and that is not incompatible with a little bit of fresh professional content, in an easy to consume format and of course, with the quality you know you can expect from Esports Professional.
And stay tuned, they still promise to give us more news and surprises….