A study by the Societat Catalana de Medicina Familiar i Comunitària collects the medical history of 228 people in Girona aged between 100 and 113 years.
Health professionals of the Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine (Camfic) have identified in a study that the 9.7% of people over 100 years of age in Girona. do not have any active medical prescription, Camfic reported in a statement on Wednesday.
It is a cross-sectional descriptive study in primary care. which collects data from the clinical history of 228 persons aged between 100 and 113 years, of whom 82% are women and 35.96% are institutionalized.
Among the most prevalent chronic pathologies are. urinary incontinence (74.12%), the arterial hypertension (70.61%), the osteoarthritis (51.32%) and chronic renal pathology (38,6%).
In contrast, the following stand out as not very prevalent. cerebrovascular disease (6.14%), the ischemic heart disease (7.89%),the obesity (7.89%), the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (7.46%) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (9,65%).
In the institutionalized population, the prevalence of dementia (29.26%) is higher than among the non-institutionalized (9.59%), as well as with the urinary incontinence, 92.68% vs. 63.69%.