This turbine will generate green energy in the river behind your house

Canadian startup Waterotor Energy Technologies has developed a turbine that can generate green power in very slow-moving water.

The system developed by the firm will be available in versions for individual users as well as for large-scale electricity generation. The technology is currently in the testing phase.

The 1 Kw turbine, which can be used in households, will have an estimated price tag of $5,000 and will be able to be used in rivers, canals, marshes, ponds or lakes.

Waterotor turbines will be available in various sizes, depending on customer needs.

The device starts producing power at a water velocity of just 0.9 metres/second. Operators of the devices will be able to supply electricity at low cost. According to the manufacturer, at a water speed of 2.46 m/s, the Waterotor can produce power at a cost of only $0.05 Kwh.

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“Our technology will provide access to a massive, untapped source of renewable energy for the first time,” said Fred Ferguson, founder and CEO of the startup.

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The manufacturer claims the device is safe for fish and other aquatic animals.

Waterotor announced in March of this year “The Big Cajun” system, a 20 MW turbine designed for use in seas and oceans.

Right now, more than 1.2 billion people on the planet have no access to electricity. But most of them have water nearby from which power can be generated with a device like the one invented by the Canadian firm.

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Photo: Waterotor

Also read: Wind turbine for the home: What you need to know before you buy it

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