The newest Tesla on fire, an important warning to fans of the giant Elon Musk

This past weekend, a Tesla Model Y caught fire in Vancouver, Canada. This is not the first time this has happened to a giant car driven by Elon Musk. The investigation will be a long one, but the circumstances in which the fire took place are terrifying.

A Tesla Model Y car has ignited in Canada and sparked a new wave of debate over the safety of massive batteries in electric cars. The on-board computers or the “artificial intelligence” in such a car don’t seem to be very smart either, considering that the driver had to break the window of his own car to get out. Not the other way around, but both the doors and all the windows have been blocked since the beginning of the fire.

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Tesla’s electric car under investigation

Transport Canada, the national transportation safety authority, has already called on Tesla to launch a joint investigation to understand how an event like the one a few days ago was possible. Officials from the US Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have also stated that they are aware of the incident and are trying to obtain additional information from the car manufacturer.

Jamil Jutha is the name of the driver of the Tesla Model Y, bought only 8 months ago, which caught fire in Vancouver. “I had to break a window to get out of the car. I kicked out the window until I broke it. Everything stopped. Electricity stopped working. The doors didn’t open, the windows didn’t come down, so I thought I’d have to get the hell out of the car, so I started knocking, “said the incident’s survivor.

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Just a few minutes were enough for the fire outside the car to reach the car. Firefighters arrived after about five minutes and immediately extinguished the fire. Tesla has not yet issued a press release on the incident.

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