Trying to catch up with rival WhatsApp, Telegram is following the example of Twitter and improving its control over notifications by adjusting the tones used and the length of time it takes to block alerts. However, the improvements go even further, with the smarpthone application also receiving an adjustable Picture-in-Picture mode for viewing videos.
Although it is perceived, probably justifiably, as a considerably safer WhatsApp alternative to use, Telegram does not seem to be able to achieve the fame of the alternative sponsored by Meta, the company behind Facebook. Following the scandal in which Meta practically gave an ultimatum to WhatsApp users, in the sense that they accept the collection of more or less sensitive information, according to the Facebook model, in the idea that they be later capitalized by serving personalized ads, it seemed that WhatsApp it will sink like the Titanic and the Telegram alternative will take its place. In reality, the media exposure thus obtained was only temporary, without the “snowballs” turning into an avalanche.
To make the use of Telegram more attractive, the mobile app now allows you to set notification tones manually, choosing from your favorite songs or even from your meme collection. For example, a voice message can also be used as a tone and assigned to any single chat or group chat. However, there are some limitations, such as selecting an audio sequence of up to 5 seconds and 300 KB in length.
In addition to creating your own notification sound, you can choose from any of the tones available on the Telegram channel, Notification sounds.