Symptoms that could save you from colon cancer if caught in time

After breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men, colorectal cancer, commonly referred to as colon cancer, is the malignant tumor with the highest incidence in men and women in Spain, with 15,269 deaths last year due to this tumor.

To be aware of its high degree of incidence in Spaniards: in the age range of highest risk (50-69 years), in the last year the following were detected. 15,988 new cases and 3,667 people died.

Although many of the resources have been focused on battling the different types of cancer, achieving four out of ten studies focused on researching this type of disease, the prevention y premature detection is essential to cope with it.

And the fact is that its high incidence does not necessarily imply a serious development of the disease, as long as we know how to detect it in time.

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And for that it is necessary that the population becomes aware of it and is aware that with just a few actions of minimal cost we can achieve an early diagnosis start that can help to overcome this type of tumor in 90% of the cases if detected in time.

That is why since the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) recall the existence of a type of painless, non-invasive, fast and convenient test that can be performed at home that are cost-effective: 2 euros compared to 200 euros for a colonoscopy..

And, on the other hand, we can alert to the possibility of colon cancer by taking into account whether we suffer from these series of symptoms.

What are the symptoms of colon cancer?

According to the Spanish Digestive System Foundation (FEAD), these are the main symptoms that we may have colorectal cancer:

  • Increased frequency of bowel movements of feces

  • Change in bowel habits stools: diarrhea, constipation and bleeding of stools.

  • Sensation of tiredness (possible anemia)

  • Weight loss and appetite without apparent explanation

  • Pain or abdominal discomfort.

It is important to keep in mind, however, that colorectal cancer does not necessarily cause symptoms and sometimes when it does cause symptoms it is usually at an advanced stage. This is why prior screening is very necessary.

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What preventive measures can we adopt?

The FEAD has also reported a series of recommendations focusing on our health and dietary habits to prevent colorectal cancer.

  • Make a habitually low-fat dietin red and processed meats.

  • Limit heavily cooked foods or in direct contact with fire.

  • Replace with. diets very rich in fibers, fruits, legumes, vegetables.

  • Make physical exercise frequent, avoiding obesity.

  • No smoking.

  • Moderate alcohol consumption.

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