Capcom has revealed the fifth free title update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, and it adds a new Elder Dragon named Amatsu, the Looming Calamity. A master of weather, Amatsu can create tornadoes and thunderstorms at his own will. It will be available April 20 for Nintendo Switch and PC. Check out the reveal trailer below.
Risen Shagaru Magala also joins the fray as the newest variant of Elder Dragon. It is available at Master Rank 180, which seems rather skewed, since Amatsu is accessible at MR10. Other new content includes new Event Quests, which reward new cosmetics (including Lagombi Ears) and level 300 Anomaly Investigations.
For those who want more challenges, there will be Special Investigations. Here you take on infected monsters with more damaging attacks and larger ranges. They are the hardest challenges in the game until the next update, so prepare for them.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is now available on PC and Nintendo Switch. It launches for Xbox One, PS4, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S on April 28.