REVIEW Blackbird – the cute Netflix movie that you shouldn’t expect much from, but can entertain you

Mirciulică is part of the new Romanian “hysteria” that Bromania started with Teambuilding.

Of course, Romanian films have been around for decades, but it seems as if they’ve never been more watched than now – and that’s to Teambuilding’s credit, much as you may or may not like to admit it.

Light comedies seem to have a big following with Romanian audiences lately, especially if the language spoken is Romanian. In this case, the recipe seems to have been successful even before the dice were rolled for the screenings.

Mirciulică, the comedy that might make you smile if you have nothing better to do

Mirciulică is the “child” of Mircea Bravo, a YouTuber who should be thanking his grandmother profusely for the popularity he has gained on the platform, a popularity that inevitably led to the creation of this video.

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The comedy ended up being picked up by Netflix, and from there it only took one more step for Romania to once again begin to get as hysterical as it did over Teambuilding. Okay, almost as loud.

In case you were wondering, the Mirciulica film also features Romania’s most beloved grandmother, so you don’t have to worry about that.

Granted, the subject matter isn’t Oscar-worthy, but even Mircea Bravo doesn’t pretend it is, so there’s no reason to accuse anyone of “lying to the people with television”.

The action takes place in Gherla and tries to unfold in front of your eyes a typical Romanian story in which a modern White Harp tries to find his way in life, on the classic initiatory path.

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This is a slightly dim-witted White Harp, but one that doesn’t lack a sense of fairness, a matter almost brought to the level of a flaw both in Bravo’s film and in the reality that unfortunately surrounds each of us every day.

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