Extend your stay in paradise with the Traveling Travel Agency Mini-set! – That’s Gaming

TOURISM IS BOOMING! The hardest part of any vacation is when it’s time to go back home. With the Perils in Paradise Mini-set: The Traveling Travel Agency, booking your next trip has never been easier. The 38 new maps include: 4 legendary cards, 1 epic card, 17 rare cards and 16 common cards. Best of all, the Traveling Travel Agency is coming out today!

MEET THE TRAVEL AGENTS. Vacations are all fun and games, but running a travel agency requires the skills of experienced travelers. To keep the office running, the Traveling Travel Agency also has several staff cards, including a star-Imployee!

  • Travelmaster Dungar. Travelmaster Dungar has flown all over the world to acquire clients for the Traveling Travel Agency. When you play him, he immediately summons three minions from different expansions.
  • Dreamplanner Zephrys. Dreamplanner Zephrys has the magic to make your vacation dreams come true – use him and choose what kind of trip you want to take! But beware of unexpected detours, as he may give you two cards that may or may not be exactly what you’re looking for.
  • Travel brochures. No travel agency is complete without brochures! The Traveling Travel Agency contains three two-sided brochure cards that swap every turn.
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