The accessories space is about to get really feisty, as dbrand has now announced that it is suing Casetify, after the latter allegedly stole the former’s product designs. dbrand has outlined its evidence of the case in a thread on X, stating that Casetify has used slogans that exist only on its products, as well as mentions of dbrand’s founding date, X handle and personal symbols on Casetify products.
This allegation led Casetify to release a statement stating that it “has always been a bastion of originality” and that it is investigating copyright allegations. It has even gone so far as to remove all products that have received copyright issues.
This, in turn, has led dbrand to step up its efforts and claim that Casetify has also been stealing from other companies. dbrand notes that some of Casetify’s X-ray designs resemble those of iFixit’s products, which raises even more questions regarding Casetify’s product line.
No doubt we will see this situation develop further in the coming days.