Colombian military intelligence believes ‘Ivan Marquez’ is brain dead

The Colombian military secret services believe that the leader of the dissidents of the FARC Nueva Marquetalia guerrilla, alias ‘Ivan Marquez’, is in a vegetative state, brain dead, as a result of the attack he suffered last June 30, according to sources in the Colombian newspaper ‘El Tiempo’.

Luciano Marín, alias ‘Iván Márquez’, was the victim of an attack perpetrated by a rival guerrilla group in Venezuelan territory for which he would be admitted to a Venezuelan hospital.

His lieutenants assure that ‘Márquez’ escaped unharmed from the attack, but secret services claim that they have serious after-effects.

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Specifically, it is believed that the guerrilla leader lost several fingers of his hand and received a blow to the head. The best proof of these damages would be that Marquez has not appeared in any video, as he used to do.

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