Awareness and Metaverse – Danco Vision coordinates for 2022 (P)

16 years after its appearance in the digital marketing and web design market, Danco Vision has both the necessary maturity to face any challenges and the know-how to approach 360 projects.0 ambitious. Ready to operate at a different pace, the agency is entering a new era: going beyond the conventional, setting trends and adopting cutting-edge technologies, combining conventional digital solutions with the infinite opportunities of the virtual world.

Last year’s rebranding was the first major change at the agency level, one that would bring the necessary refreshment and prepare the environment for the implementation of new technologies that underlie a new type of customer service.

2021 was a year of change, in which we managed to make this rebranding we had been dreaming of for some time. With a sustained effort from the whole team, we managed to refresh the brand and launch a new website, elements that represent us much better.“He says Alina Aldea, COO Dance Vision.

Danco Vision’s focus will be on brands that can provide 360 ​​services0. The experience of 16 years ensures the necessary maturity to face any challenges launched by customers, regardless of industry or scope. In an increasingly competitive market, “the secret is to know how to reinvent yourself and position yourself differently from others, to constantly follow customers and their needs, to find the most appropriate messages and visuals, as well as the channels that convert the best“, Adds Alina Aldea. In his opinion, the interest for services and products that consumers can contract / buy directly online is much higher than 2 years ago, and people’s reluctance to buy products without seeing them physically is on a declining trend.

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Alina Aldea, COO Dance Vision

The move to digital marketing and consulting in Metaverse

The end of last year also meant a concrete step towards the virtual world. The ability to reinvent itself in key moments has been demonstrated once again, with Danco Vision becoming the first digital marketing and consulting agency in Metaverse and virtual space in December 2021.

The Metaverse theme has been kept special to mark the end of the year. This direction, to go into the virtual world and to offer services and consulting in this area from the very beginning, is a challenge that we have enthusiastically accepted. We have already started discussions with clients who want to step into this new era and beautiful projects will follow “, say Daniel Ionescu, CEO and Founder of Danco Vision.

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Daniel Ionescu, CEO and Founder of Danco Vision.

The agency has already launched the website, already owns “land” and virtual headquarters, launching a first collection of NFTs, in collaboration with one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Romania.

Focus on promoting Danco Vision

This year will be much more about Danco Vision. “We anticipate a 2022 with a much larger online and offline presence of Danco Vision. This is the year in which we set out to increase our brand visibility exponentially, and we hope that by the end of the year, we can say that at least 1 in 10 people has heard of us.“, Alina Aldea also emphasizes.

Raising awareness also brings more important financial goals. “Our KPIs are ambitious in 2022. We want to reach the figure of 2.5 million euros, which is achievable in the context of the evolution of the last years “, concludes Danco Vision COO.

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