Avatar: The Waterways has managed to break into the top 15 in box office of all time, worldwide, and is now above Harry Potter by a wide margin.
The Way of Water was released on December 16, 13 years after the first film.
While Avatar 2 continues to surpass financial milestones, it is also praised not only for its innovative use of motion capture technology to bring Pandora to life, but also for the powerful messages it conveys in the script.
Avatar: Path of Water, an unqualified success
In terms of its theatrical status, the film surpassed Black Panther ($1.382 billion) and Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi ($1.332 billion) and knocked Harry Potter out of the top 15.
James Cameron said at one point that Avatar 2 would need to gross over $2 billion to be considered a success. He doesn’t have long to go.
Avatar: The Way Of Water held up extremely well in its third weekend of release, as the $66.8 million over three days was actually a four percent increase over the previous weekend. It was the fourth highest grossing weekend film in history.
The good news is, if you like Avatar, three more sequels are coming. The third has already been filmed at the same time as the second.
Unlike the previous hiatus, Avatar 3 will be released just two years after Water Path. Cameron has revealed that the next “episode” will take the story to a completely new setting.
The well-known director also mentioned that since the Na’Vi were the undisputed moral center in the first two films, Avatar 3 will overturn that idea, indicating that the “grey people” might be the antagonists.
Cameron added that he plans to explore “new worlds” in the upcoming sequels and that these future releases will be the best parts of the Avatar saga.
Of course, it remains to be seen if this will happen.