The Apple Vision Pro was introduced in June 2023 and at that time Apple announced that the advanced AR headset would be released in spring 2024. It looks like the iPhone makers will keep their promise: initial sources assume a release this month.
Apple Vision Pro: We are talking about January 26th or 27th
There is currently a rumor circulating in Chinese media that the Apple Vision Pro will be released in the USA on January 27th. The rumor comes from Wall Street Insights, a Chinese investor news service.
They are said to have received the information exclusively from people involved in the Apple Vision Pro supply chain.
Regardless of this, the well-informed Apple insider Ming-Chi Kuo also assumes a release in January.
These rumors are now also confirmed by Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman. However, he believes that January 26th is more likely to be the case – a Friday. However, Apple has also presented new products on Saturdays, such as the first iPad.
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Gurman initially assumed that Apple would release the Vision Pro in March 2024, but a release in January was targeted. The emergence of the new rumors could be an indication that Apple was able to stick to the original plan.
According to Bloomberg, an appointment at an Apple Store will probably be necessary to purchase the Vision Pro. Each headset should be individually adapted to each customer. The price is said to be $3,500.
What do you think of the Apple Vision Pro? Are you going to get one? Or is it priced too high? Do you see potential in the technology and would you rather wait for cheaper versions or do you not believe in the same “spatial computing” future that Apple believes in? Write us your opinion on this topic in the comments!