“An actor in too much of a hurry” to leave her life: the tragic fate of singer Laura Stoica

Laura Stoica was one of the most appreciated pop-rock singers in our country, but her destiny came to an abrupt end, to the great shock of all those who loved and appreciated her.

On 9 March 2006, Laura Stoica passed away far too early, the victim of a terrible car accident.

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Laura Stoica – archive image

Laura Stoica, the most appreciated female rock voice in Romania

Full name Adriana Laurenția Stoica, the singer was born on October 10, 1967, in Alba Iulia, and is currently considered the most important rock singer of all time in Romania.

With a presence you couldn’t ignore, but also a strong personality, Laura Stoica has managed, throughout her career, to build a significant fan base, all over the country. There are many who love her even now.

Between 1990 and 2005, she managed to release four studio albums and perform more than 700 shows and concerts both at home and abroad.

Perhaps the most important years of her career were from 1993-1997, when she fulfilled her desire to sing rock. During that period, Laura Stoica formed her own band, which she called Laura Stoica Band.

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Over the years, Eugen Mihăescu from Krypton, Iulian Vrabete from Holograf, Vlady Cnejevici from Compact and Pasărea Colibri, as well as Florin Ionescu from Direcția 5, among many other established musicians from our land, have been active in this band.

Among the actress’s best-known and best-loved songs, we can’t help but remember Just You, Fire, Neighbourhood Sings Rock, Autumn on the Highway, I’m Good, No Star, I’m Always Rising, More Beautiful or A Hurried Actor.

Laura Stoica – archive image

He hurried, like the actor he was singing about, to depart from the living

On March 9, 2005, Laura Stoica was leaving for good.

A terrible car accident was to end her life. In the car that fateful day was the man she was having an affair with, but also their unborn child.

Before the accident, Laura Stoica had taken part in a recital in front of the Urziceni Town Hall, on the occasion of March 8.

“It was a beautiful evening. Before she went on stage, I was with her and Nico backstage and at that moment Laura told us that she was pregnant. We congratulated her and hugged each other.

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After the recital, an hour later, I got a call from a Salvage driver saying that he had found my number in the phone of a blonde girl who had died in a traffic accident and if I knew anyone with those markings. At first, I didn’t realise it, but then I realised”, Constantin Sava, then mayor of Urziceni, told Adevărul a few years ago.

On the evening of 9 March 2006, the Renault Clio in which Laura Stoica was travelling was driven by her boyfriend, Cristian Mărgescu. Moments before entering the town of SineÈ™ti, a Dacia “papuc” entered the opposite lane, plunging into the car in which the two were travelling.

As a result, the Renault Clio car was thrown directly into the field, a few dozen meters from the road. The impact was extremely violent, and there was nothing left for Smurd to do but pronounce the death.

“The scene of the accident was unbelievable, like something out of a movie. The car was a few dozen metres from the road, in a field, turned into a heap of rubble.

Relatives and friends of the two immediately arrived at the scene, lit candles and stayed there while the investigation lasted”, recalled Chief Superintendent Sorin Goagă, head of the Ialomita Road Police, about the accident in which Laura Stoica, her boyfriend and their unborn child died.

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