Shortly after the official announcement of the new Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 mobile processor, Xiaomi’s CEO posted a piece of information on his Weibo account that will delight fans of the brand. Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi’s next flagship will be the first smartphone equipped with the new processor, suggesting that it will debut in just a few weeks before the end of 2022.
Xiaomi 13 will be the first series of phones with Snapdragon 8 Gen 2
But it looks like Xiaomi isn’t just trying to be first to market, it wants to offer a better user experience than it has done so far on its phones. MIUI is a decent Android interface, loved by some users, but it often feels like the software is being developed alongside the hardware. But Lei Jun says that this time, the hardware and software teams have worked more coordinated to create a “masterpiece” of performance and user experience.
Most likely, Jun is talking about the Xiaomi 13 series, which will feature high-resolution photo sensors and fast charging speed. The new smartphone series could also be the first in the company’s portfolio to ship with MIUI 14, based on Android 13.
A year ago, the Xiaomi 12 series was among the first to adopt Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. However, just like last year, we don’t expect the new Xiaomi phones to arrive in Europe anytime soon. The company’s flagship models are first launched in China, and only a few months after that they’ll ship to other Western countries.
However, we can expect Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 phones from most of the top manufacturers in the market. Qualcomm has released a list of the first partners that have confirmed their continued partnership.