Twitter administrators have sparked a tsunami of criticism, announcing that they will allow the review of already published tweets, thus hitting one of the basic pillars of the trust given to the social platform. And there are many cases when a simple “typo” sneaked into the tweet distributed on the account of a well-known user was the starting point for heated controversy and even a topic of news on media platforms. For example, as if the now famous Covfefe tweet, shared by US President Donald Trump, obviously before he could taste his morning coffee, would have ended the prompt editing of the message and the deletion of any “juicy” traces.
Well, it seems that Twitter administrators are not completely indifferent to the undeniable power of instantly distributed information, with virtually global visibility and impossible to “correct”, if the original message turns out to be to the disadvantage of the author.
According to the evidence gathered so far, edited tweets will be managed in the same way as on other platforms (eg Facebook. Thus, an edited tweet is marked as “Edited” as soon as it has changed from its original form, ensuring that no reader with minimal experience using the micro-blogging platform will miss the edited information tag, and that the edit history will be displayed, accessible with a simple click on the “Edited” button.
How an edited Tweet looks like on Twitter Web App:
– Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) May 2, 2022
Technically, every edited message is treated as a completely new Tweet. Thus, those who may have bookmarked the original message will be informed of the existence of a “newer version” of that message, while the rest will simply discover the revised version, marked using the Edited symbol.
Technically, Wong previously reported that an edited tweet is actually a new tweet with its own unique ID, along with a list of any older tweets it replaces. Older tweets will display a note “There is a new version of this Tweet”, complete with a link to that updated tweet.
In addition, videos attached to the original tweet are transformed into simple images after editing, with the limitation coming as an argument for discouraging the use of the edit option. In addition, any edited tweet is actually re-posted with a new ID, which should be redistributed if you want the modified message to reach users of other information platforms. Otherwise, they will still see the original message and call sign announcing the existence of an edited version.