For three days, Trainers in the Pokémon Trading Card Game, Pokémon video games and Pokémon UNITE competed for Championship Points. These can be used for travel vouchers for future International Championship events and invitations to the 2023 Pokémon World Championship from August 11 to 13 in Yokohama, Japan. Pokémon GO players also competed for the chance to qualify for the 2023 Pokémon World Championship.
These are the champions of the 2023 Pokémon Europe International Championship:
Junior Division Trading Card Game:
1st place: Remi Lorenz [US]
2nd place: Drake Zhu [NZ]
Senior Division Trading Card Game:
1st place: Rune Heiremans [BE]
2nd place: Drew Stephenson [UK]
Masters Division Trading Card Game:
1st place: Alex Schemanske [US]
2nd place: Tord Reklev [NO]
Junior Division video games:
1st place: Pietro Nihal Kaludura Silva [IT]
2nd place: Federico Corino [IT]
Senior Division of Video Games:
1st place: Mattia Cognetta [IT]
2nd place: Kylan Van Severen [CA]
Masters Division video games:
1st place: Paul Chua [US]
2nd place: Gabriel Agati Madeira [BR]
Pokémon GO:
1st place: Thomas “TontonBatteuse” Martin [FR]
2nd place: Andrew “Nesabethan” Medhurst [UK]
Pokémon UNITE:
1st place: Talibobo BelieversFabio “Zervas” BüglerKlaus “KlausVIII” ZanajAdam “Megu爱” FrilayConor “ToonSlim” McDermottLeo “Lunderu霧” Chiba2nd Place: Nouns EsportsMarc “GyZ” Ceprian MartinezHassan “Ghatlue” Al AbadiAlberto “ADESu” González TorralboAnton “BruvHD” LeviRaoul “Sixsies六” Monsanto