Even if you are a native of the United Kingdom, you have probably never heard of the tiny village of Norton Disney in Lincolnshire. With a population of 242, it did not stand out in 1949 as it does now. Well, with one major exception, that is.
While on location in England for the filming of Treasure Island, Walt Disney’s daughters wished the family would take a trip to Scotland. Walt agreed, but with one condition. He wanted to stop at Norton Disney and find out the story behind it.
While in the village, he spoke with a local preacher, who told Walt the history of his family, how they were originally known as the De Isignys and had come to England after William the Conqueror took over.
Walt Disney asked if his family had a coat of arms, and discovered that they did. Since then, you may have seen three lions adorning flags in older Disney films, the Disneyland castle or the flag that appears before a modern Disney film begins. These are a tribute to the family’s history and a way to highlight a very small village with some of the greatest movies in the world.
Thanks, BBC.