The Generalitat has approved in the Consell Executiu an item of 5,187,500 euros for this year’s call for proposals for grants from the Strategic plan for research and innovation in health, according to the agreements of the Government of this Tuesday.
Thus the Catalan Executive authorizes the Conselleria de Salut to carry out expenses charged to the budgets for fiscal years 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026, with the objective of “developing a comprehensive research and innovation system. of excellence that contributes to promoting and protecting the health and well-being of people”.
This is an instrument for planning and coordination that defines the general lines of research and innovation. of the Conselleria de Salut, following the priorities established by the Pla de Salut de Catalunya, and with the coordination and collaboration of the Conselleria de Recerca i Universitats.