The 10 best scenes in The Lord of the Rings –

These were the books that were said to be impossible to film. But Peter Jackson and his production team not only succeeded in that impossible task, but also gave us absolutely amazing movies. Selecting and ranking the top 10 moments was a tremendously difficult task, but here are the ones we consider the very best

10. The Ring Goes South – (Fellowship of the Ring)

We begin the list simply with an epic scene set to epic music. Our nine heroes wander through the countryside, music is present in the background and then the Fellowship walk along a rock, one by one, to the incomparable music of Howard Shore and combined with the cinematography, the filmmakers proved that every frame, every moment, could be something incredibly memorable.

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9. The lighting of the beacons – (The Return of the King)

There is a meme that describes this scene so perfectly.

Howard Shore: “What music do you want?”
Peter Jackson: “The scene is about lighting a bunch of wood on fi… “
Howard Shore: “Say no more fam.”

That’s really all it takes to understand the epic nature of this scene. Because if there is one thing we quickly realized when watching these films, it was that Howard Shore’s contribution would become as important as it was unforgettable.

The 10 best scenes in The Lord of the Rings

8. Gollum and Smeagol – (The Two Towers)

Andy Serkis’ performance as Gollum cannot be praised enough. The scene where he, as both Gollum and Smeagol, talks to himself is his best performance and becomes even more special when you look at the behind-the-scenes clips available to enjoy. There you can see how faithfully his acting has been transferred to the digital creature. Moreover, it is one of those scenes that deepens the character in a wonderful way. While much of the film is often meant to be big and action-packed, it is moments like this that give it a more focused presence, but most of all, it is a fantastic testament to how motion capture can be used to create something unforgettable.

The 10 best scenes in The Lord of the Rings

7. Battle of Moria – (Fellowship of the Ring)

There is something very cool in that iconic image, as all of our heroes stand ready for the approaching wave of ugly bad guys, including a cave troll. Then we get to see the entire brotherhood fighting together, each battle weighing heavily. When the battle begins, the music stops completely and we are treated to a much more intimate battle than anything we get later. Of course there are battles in small spaces later in the trilogy, but never like this one with all the characters together. I also find the scene intimate and well directed without feeling overdone. Of course, there is some of that detail here as well, but we don’t get Legolas skateboarding on a shield or along a trunk. Sure, he does jump on the troll’s head, but it still doesn’t feel that overdone.

The 10 best scenes in The Lord of the Rings

6. Grey Havens – (The Return of the King)

Tying the entire trilogy together was probably not an easy task for Peter Jackson. Many have criticized the fact that the final scenes of the film feel a bit like endings piled on top of each other, but at the same time, important things are addressed. It is incredibly emotional in every way when it comes time to say goodbye, not only to Gandalf, but also to Frodo, who also leaves for the Undying Lands. The scene with the ship sailing toward the light could be the perfect ending, but I also understand that they wanted to wrap it up more faithfully to the book with Sam’s last line. In any case, it is a very beautiful scene, full of dazzling spectacle that evokes tears every time.

The 10 best scenes in The Lord of the Rings

5. Council of Elrond – (Fellowship of the Ring)

When Elrond announces that the Fellowship has been made, this is the natural centerpiece of the film for two reasons; one is the obvious one that this is the moment when the adventure “really” begins for the whole gang and the other is that this is where you swap the disc when you watch the extended version on DVD. For me, having had countless marathons with these films, there is something almost meditative about taking a natural break here, stretching my legs and getting ready for everything to come. But apart from all that, it is in many ways a classic scene. The punch of Hugo Weaving’s acting is what has always stood out the most, but then of course we have “One does not simply… “ and otherwise good acting by all involved.

The 10 best scenes in The Lord of the Rings

4. The Shire – (Community of the Ring)

Although we don’t spend much time in the Shire, it is certainly one of the places we have come to love the most. The production design here is probably among the best in the entire trilogy, and although we get a small glimpse of the green hills early in the film, it’s only when the Gray Wizard arrives that it all begins in earnest and the Shire is able to show itself properly. The scene with Frodo sitting under the tree, Gandalf humming and the famous: “A wizard is never late…. “ It’s as good as it gets, and there are two things in particular that I want to highlight. One, of course, is Howard Shore’s music. The song called “Bag End” is so incredibly cozy and while the music throughout the trilogy is fantastic and appropriate for the scenes, I don’t know of a piece that accompanies what we see better than it does here. The second is Ian McKellen. I would say that in many ways he is the only actor who gives himself completely 100% to the role of all the characters out there. However, that’s a whole other discussion and we’ll just say that Gandalf’s arrival in the Shire is one of the best things the films have to offer.

The 10 best scenes in The Lord of the Rings

3. The Bridge of Khazad-dûm – (Fellowship of the Ring)

Besides the fact that the scene contains probably the most quoted line of the trilogy, there is so much in this scene that is incredibly good. First, the full presentation of the Balrog was an incredibly powerful moment in pitch darkness. Then there is the flying shot of the Fellowship running across the Khazad-dûm bridge and then we have the Balrog against the gray wizard. All this to bombastic music that ends abruptly when Gandalf then falls into darkness and the whole thing turns to melancholy with a tuned melody that follows. There is also a nice curiosity here that that particular phrase “You shall not pass.” does not appear in the book, but there the first thing Gandalf says becomes “You can’t pass.” repeated several times. But it’s a nice little change that really works.

The 10 best scenes in The Lord of the Rings

2. Crossroads of the Fallen King – (Fellowship of the Ring)

As so often when it comes to film, I am most moved by the emotional lines and scenes. And when Frodo leaves all alone, his most loyal friend Sam runs after him and sinks like a stone in the water. When he is rescued and they are both in the boat, Sean Astin delivers a dazzling performance, one you believe as he utters the phrase: “I made a promise Mr. Frodo, a promise. Don’t let him down Samwise Gamgee. And I don’t mean to, I don’t mean to.” They are Sam and Frodo together and nowhere in all those hours does their friendship for each other shine brighter than in that moment. A long adventure lies ahead. They are nowhere near Mordor, but they have already experienced so much. And Frodo will need Sam in ways he doesn’t yet know. So it is fortunate that he stays by his side. Because we all know that Sam is the real hero of this story.

The 10 best scenes in The Lord of the Rings

1. Oath of Elendil – (The Return of the King)

I usually judge what the best scene is based on a very simple criterion. Namely, which movie I look up the most on YouTube. The scene where Aragorn gets his crown and takes his place as king is great for several reasons. A wrap-up of all the terrible things that have happened, the kiss when he sees Arwen again, and that all our characters are together. But it is the ending that makes it the best scene in the entire trilogy. When Aragorn, with Arwen by his side, stands before the four hobbits who bow their heads in respect, he speaks the words : “My friends… You bow to no one”, and the now familiar music seems to explode. It is a scene as stunning as it is beautiful, a tear-jerking scene and my absolute favorite from three of the world’s best films.

The 10 best scenes in The Lord of the Rings

What are your favorite moments from these films?

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