Telegram is beginning to abandon its old strategies and its old motto, which states that “Telegram is free forever. No ads. No subscriptions. ” This is because this message, which greeted you when you first started the mobile application, is no longer valid. The mobile application will receive new features in the near future, which will be available on the basis of a monthly “Premium” subscription, something that contradicts the original promise. The next update will replace that message with a new one, which highlights the new benefits of the free version of Telegram.
The next version of Telegram gives up the promise of free services
It seems that “forever” has a limit in the field of technology. It should probably have been formulated as “until it is no longer profitable.” It is not clear what the Telegram Premium service will offer, but from the first “leaks” in test versions, certain stickers and reactions that you can send in messages can only be accessed by subscribers.
The new message you see when you first start the app says that “Telegram offers free and unlimited cloud storage for chats and media,” suggesting that we won’t have to pay too soon for access to the archive of messages and photos or videos. sent through this service. Of course, now it turns out that “free” and “unlimited” are variable terms in this area, so we don’t expect things to stay that way forever, but only for the near future, until server maintenance costs are no longer profitable. .
Small changes in #Telegram ⁇
ℹ️ This screenshot is based on the new strings available on
– Alessandro Paluzzi (@ alex193a) May 27, 2022
Telegram has enjoyed a huge increase in 2021, in the context of the WhatsApp scandal. Facebook wanted to allow data transfer between WhatsApp and Facebook, which bothered users. As a result, some of them moved to Telegram, while others switched to Signal, a similar but completely open source encrypted online messaging solution.
source: Android Police