We’ve all been there: sitting in front of the TV, looking for something to watch on Netflix, but eventually giving up and ending up choosing nothing.
If you’re experiencing choice paralysis, don’t worry because there are ways to adjust.
Also known as ‘analysis paralysis’, choice paralysis happens when we have too many options to choose from. Because there is no clear choice between your options, you end up choosing nothing. This type of brain freeze gets worse when you have too much information at your disposal.
What you need to do to quickly choose a movie or show on Netflix
Choose something to watch based on the title and thumbnail image. Don’t overthink it. You can also narrow your choices from general to specific.
The key strategy for overcoming choice paralysis is to limit the number of choices you have.
For example, you can start by deciding whether you want to watch a movie or a TV show. This already eliminates a large number of choices.
Then you have to decide whether you want to laugh, cry, get excited, or something scary. The choices should ultimately come down to certain genres and titles, such as sci-fi movies, comedies or superhero movies.
The most important thing is that every time you make a decision between two or three choices and don’t add others to the list as you hang out through the Netflix menu.
Besides, if you can’t decide for yourself, maybe it would be better to let someone else choose for you? It might sound weird, but you’ll find it much easier to watch something on someone else’s recommendation than trying to overthink a decision. And if you don’t like the choice, at least it won’t be your fault.