ChatGPT, Midjourney and Co: How AI changed (has) our lives
Midjourney and ChatGPT are among the most prominent AI tools. The latter belongs to the OpenAI group, which has now released version 4 of the language model.
What is already possible with it today and how you can use these AI tools sensibly, discusses Daniel in the live talk from CAGGTUS 2023 with René Heuser and Leya Jankowski. Because René and Leya regularly talk about AI news, new applications and helpful tips on their twitch channel KIundMensch. All discussions of KIundMensch can also be found on Youtube.
With the help of an image AI, they try to create an image of Daniel in the Warhammer 40K universe in the talk! Good prompts and bad prompts play an important role in this. Communicating with these models is getting easier from version to version, but there are important input tricks to achieve better results.
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On top of that, Leya and René give an insight into Microsoft’s search engine Bing, which is set to be vastly improved with the ChatGPT language model. Competitor Google wants to take a similar approach with Bard.
Aside from these well-known AI tools, Leya and René recommend free alternatives with which you can start your first attempts. Because for ChatGPT 4 and Midjourney a paid subscription is required for use (ChatGPT 3.5 remains free for the time being).
What shouldn’t be missing in a good talk format?? That’s right, the view! What does the future of AI look like? The two professionals try to make a brief forecast of how the development of artificial intelligence will progress.
You can see the talk as a video above – or you can listen to the podcast:
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