Fallen Dynasty Patch notes uitgebracht – That’s Gaming

Team Ninja heeft een uitgebreide nieuwe patch uitgebracht voor Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, waarbij verschillende bugs worden aangepakt en gameplay-aanpassingen worden gemaakt. Bijvoorbeeld, wanneer een speler een zweep gebruikt, zal elke actie die de Frenzy-modus activeert, worden geprioriteerd.

Yuan Shu, de eindbaas in de Upheaval in Jingxiang DLC, heeft ook enkele aanpassingen aan zijn bewegingspatronen ontvangen. Hij landt niet langer meerdere hits met Water Phase oplaadaanvallen, wat het gevecht enigszins gemakkelijker zou moeten maken. Fatal Strike-schade wordt ook niet beïnvloed door het “Pangu’s Creation of the World”-effect.

De patch lost ook problemen op zoals opeenvolgende hits met sommige Wizardry Spells die verminderde schade aanrichten en Spirit Disruption-herstel dat niet optreedt als de speler van een klif valt met uitgeputte Spirit. Bekijk hieronder enkele van de patchnotities en volledige details hier.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is beschikbaar voor Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 en PC. Een Complete Edition staat gepland voor lancering op 7 februari en bevat het basisspel met alle verhaal-DLC.

Ver1.303 Patch Notes


  • Made adjustments to prioritize actions that activate Frenzy mode while the player is equipped with a whip.
  • This change will prioritize the shift to Frenzy mode rather than the performance of a Fatal Strike during combat against an enemy in Spirit Disruption.
  • Made adjustments to the movement patterns of the boss Yuan Shu.
  • Made changes so that the boss Yuan Shu cannot land multiple hits with Water Phase charging attacks.
  • Made changes so that damage dealt with Fatal Strikes is not affected by the special effect “Pangu’s Creation of the World.”
  • Added a message that will be displayed when players complete Mile 1000 in The Thousand-Mile Journey for the first time.
  • Made adjustments so that some items will be added to Exchange Golden Horse Hooves earlier than before in The Thousand-Mile Journey.

Major Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that decreased the amount of damage dealt by consecutive hits with some Wizardry Spells after applying update Ver1.300 or later updates.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes triggered Revenge Accomplished if the player performed a Fatal Strike with a whip, even if they had not defeated the enemy.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the animation camera from engaging when the player performed a Fatal Strike with a whip on some enemies.
  • Fixed a bug preventing damage Bonuses based on Spirit from being applied if the player performed a Spirit attack without accumulating power after successfully deflecting with a long sword.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the first strike of normal attacks with a slashing spear from hitting enemies within range of the Wizardry Spell Deathly Bog.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed the Divine Beast Chenghuang’s positive effect Chenghuang’s Prance to be applied multiple times.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some actions from triggering input buffering for the Wizardry Spell set to R2+△.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed Shrimp Soldiers to perform consecutive Critical Blows after their Spirit had been depleted by the player deflecting their Critical Blow.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused players or NPCs to immediately recover Spirit after taking elemental damage from an attack that did not trigger a hit reaction animation if they were inflicted with a status effect and their Spirit was depleted at the same time.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented players from recovering from Spirit Disruption if they fell from a cliff just after their Spirit was depleted.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Guan Yu’s spirit to immediately recover if his Spirit had been depleted during his Critical Blow “Soaring Phoenix.”
  • Fixed a bug in which Red Hare did not roam around the area properly after Lu Bu dismounted.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented players equipped with a spear from landing Spirit attacks during certain actions made by the boss Yuan Shu.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the screen to become distorted for a split second after the player used the Wizardry Spell Flashing Icicle.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the player to take elemental damage after deflecting any Corpse Demon attacks except Flame attacks.
  • Fixed a bug in which the invading NPC Zhang Ying was not carrying a bow despite a bow being equipped.
  • Fixed a bug preventing positive effects meant to increase damage from being applied to Wizardry Spells.
  • Fixed a bug causing some tutorials to be displayed in the main battlefield “Village of Calamity” in “Path of the Rising Dragon” and beyond.

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