Biden proposes to open a museum honoring the Hispanic community on Washington’s National Mall

U.S. President Joe Biden said Friday that the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate should take steps to ensure that the Latino community and women have museums in their honor on the National Mall, the Washington esplanade that houses several monuments and the White House at its northern end.

Biden has advocated that now is the time to carry it out to reflect the important role they have played in nation building, during the Hispanic Heritage Month reception.

“I am committed to changing our immigration system for the better by providing a pathway for dreamers,” he said. In addition, he referred to migrants with a temporary stay permit and assured that more must be done to modernize the laws so that families do not have to wait decades to be reunited.

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Biden also reviewed different measures taken at the federal and state level in favor of the Hispanic community such as reducing child poverty by 40 percent among Latinos or canceling debts to college students.

The U.S. president has also expressed his solidarity with the victims of the consequences of the various hurricanes. “We are doing everything possible to search and rescue those affected, the recovery and reconstruction of the areas. The country is committed to do whatever it takes as long as it takes,” he assured.

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