With help from both Horde and Alliance, the Argent Crusade, led by Highlord Tirion Fordring, have completed construction of the Argent Tournament grounds. Champions can make their way to the new Crusaders’ Coliseum, where they can face new daily challenges, defeat powerful enemies and prepare for the upcoming conflict with the Lich King himself: the latest content update for Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Call of the Crusade, is now live!
Here you can see what’s available in Call of the Crusade:
New Raid: Trial of the Crusader
The mightiest champions of both the Horde and Alliance have been called to the new Crusaders’ Coliseum in the Argent Tournament grounds to take on a collection of deadly foes as both forces prepare for their impending march to the Icecrown Citadel.
New Dungeon: Trial of the Champion
Now that the construction of the Crusaders’ Coliseum is complete, champions of the Horde of Alliance can face a series of new challenges, including jousting and gladiatorial combat with ferocious Argent Crusade challengers.
New Titan Rune Difficulty: Defense Protocol Beta
Players can increase the difficulty of their dungeon experience with the Titan Rune system. Defense Protocol Beta allows players to earn 10-man Ulduar raid rewards.
Defense Protocol Alpha also remains an option for players and continues to reward 10-man Naxxramas raid gear.
PVP Season 7
In the arena, opponents can buy Season 6 equipment at a reduced rate as they prepare for a new ladder.
Argent Tournament Dailies
New dailies are now available that allow players to gain prestige with the Argent Crusade and their respective city factions, while earning epic rewards such as equipment, mounts and pets.