eMAG is one of the most dynamic companies on the Romanian market, and many people want to work there. The online retailer ranks ninth in Catalyst’s top 100 most desired employers in Romania in 2022. There is only one other company founded in Romania, Endava, which ranks higher (8th) in the ranking.
One reason for the good ranking is the decent salaries offered by eMAG, even to people without much experience.
For examples of salary packages offered by eMAG we used the Undelucram.ro website. There, current or former employees of the company can anonymously publish information about their job/job, salary, experience level or bonuses.
Salaries at eMAG in 2021 – 2022:
– A PHP Developer – Full Stack, employed at eMAG, with 3 years experience in the field, earning 6,500 lei net per month.
– A financial analyst earn 5,500 lei net per month in Bucharest in 2021. This person had four years’ experience in the field.
– For a QA Engineer with just one year experience, eMAG is currently offering a net monthly salary of 6,000 lei plus meal vouchers worth 300 lei. QA (quality assurance) is the process of checking a product to determine if it meets specified requirements and delivers the desired results.
– A Competition Analyst with one year experience in the company has a net salary of 3,500 lei. This employee states that he works from home.
– At the same time key account manager, with 6 years of experience in the field, has a net salary of 4,200 lei at eMAG.
– For a human resources specialist with only one year’s experience the salary offered by the retailer in Bucharest is 4,000 lei.