Star Wars Outlaws arrives with Dev Diary, herein more details about the game – That’s Gaming

Announced as the first ever open-world Star Wars game, Star Wars Outlaws has a lot to live up to. Leading up to the release of the action-adventure title(a week from now), Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment have released a developer diary discussing just that aspect of the experience.

In Star Wars Outlaws, players will explore four familiar planets, namely Tatooine, Kijimi, Akiva and Canto Bight, and a newly created moon called Toshara, not to mention open space to fly through. In all these worlds, players will find no shortage of side content to tackle, including various contracts (where you’ll have plenty of opportunities to betray and make good on syndicates).

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Other side activities can also be found scattered throughout the game, including various arcade games to play, mini-games such as sabbac and betting on races, sights to seek out, conversations to eavesdrop on for details on opportunities and points of interest, hidden treasures to search for with the help of Nix, dynamic open world events to encounter, and more. Check out the developer diary below for more details.

Star Wars Outlaws launches August 30 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. Our review will follow after this weekend, as well as a complete playthrough of the game!!! So follow us on Youtube as well

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