Yesterday took place in the space of the INPULSA TALENTUM FOUNDATION, within the Integrated Systems Europe ISE 2024 Fair, in FIRA DE BARCELONA, the presentation of the TALENT 2024 AWARDS.
The awards committee, which held an extraordinary meeting on January 8 and on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation, unanimously agreed to award the TALENT 2024 Award in the sports category to the GLOBAL ESPORTAINMENT SUMMIT – GES 23. The merit that has supported this recognition has been the direct commitment to Barcelona as the capital of esports and the sports video game sector, through a congress that has been a reference to Europe, with a vision of future and innovation and commitment to an industry of the future.
The president of IMPULSA TALENTUM FOUNDATION, Mr. Bru Recolons, presented the award to Mr. Antonio Lacasa, CEO of Global Sportainment, owner and manager of the GLOBAL ESPORTAINMENT SUMMIT – GES 23, in a ceremony attended by the 30 winners of this edition in their different categories. Afterwards, an interview was recorded in which different aspects of the award and the GES project and its dimension were developed.
The TALENT Awards reach their tenth edition with their traditional recognition of good practices, trajectories and innovative ideas by entrepreneurs, businessmen, entities and companies in some thirty different sectors. IMPULSA TALENTUM FOUNDATION, born from the integration of several entities and projects such as the Welcome Talent Society, the Talent Awards and Impulsa Talentum SL, has a track record of ten years working in the ecosystem of talent, innovation and management.
management. With the aim of improving the organizational culture in the business sector and the management and loyalty of talent.
Successful projects include annual talent summits and congresses in Barcelona, the organization of the Talent Awards and the development of talent loyalty tools and mechanisms.
The Honorary President of the Foundation is Federico Mayor Zaragoza. The president is Bru Recolons y Argenté, promoter of the various projects of the Impulsa Talentum ecosystem. The vice presidents are the entrepreneur and founder of MEDIAPRO, Tatxo Benet, and the CEO of Integrated Systems Europe, Michael Blackman. The board of trustees consists of some twenty people from business, cultural and academic fields.
The Global Esportainment Summit – GES is the largest professional congress of digital entertainment and esports in Europe and in its last edition 2023 brought together more than 800 professionals from over 20 countries in two days over 23 sessions in which 65 speakers participated in various presentations and panel discussions. GES is owned and managed by GLOBAL SPORTAINMENT, a company that develops projects in the areas of sports entertainment, audiovisual and luxury (LUXTAINMENT), as well as professional events and outreach. Its scope of development is mainly Spain and Latin America.