Jony Ive’s departure from Apple a few years ago marked the end of an era for the world’s most valuable company. In his place came two designers, Evans Hankey on the hardware side as Industrial Design Vice President and Alan Dye, Human Interface Design Vice President, on the software side. But after just three years in the job, Hankey is leaving the position and Apple’s team, and a replacement has yet to be found.
Evans Hankey takes over Apple design from Jony Ive
Hankey has been responsible for the design of Apple phones, tablets and computers for the past few years. Incidentally, these have proven to be some of the most successful designs in recent years, with the move to straight edges on all devices attracting new fans and convincing older fans to switch from older devices to the new ones.
The head of Apple’s design division will remain in the position for another six months. Most likely, Apple will either look internally to take her place or try to attract an outside designer.
“The design team has strong leaders with decades of experience. Evans is going to stay with us as we work to ensure the transition and we want to thank him for his leadership and contributions.”, Apple representatives said.
According to available information about how Evans Hankey worked, she not only approved device designs, but also other details about Apple products. Apparently, she was even the one who approved the foil that covers the boxes in which the company’s products are shipped.
There are rumors that Gary Butcher, a former employee on Apple’s software design team might be returning, but there is no confirmation of that yet. Butcher has worked at Airbnb for the past few years. It’s unclear if Butcher will take over software design from Alan Dye. In that case, Dye could move over to the hardware side.